A blog is an online diary or journal written by an author, about the author and/or the author’s interests. The great thing about a blogging is that there are no boundaries at all. You can be as creative as your heart desires! You can write about your career, relationships, car, or pet fish etc.

The important thing about this journey is that you write about something that you are passionate about. Different people have different interests and you’re no exception. Chances are good that others just like you are ready to delve into your material because they have similar tastes and interests. Don’t hesitate to write about something you’re passionate about - just do it and have lots of fun!


A lot of websites on the Internet today talk about how they make money. However not many give you step-by-step articles on how to make money with YOUR blog, or answer all the questions we come across whilst trying to build blog.

This piece of cyber-space is dedicated to doing both. We will discuss how to blog for money and try to answer all those little challenges you come across whilst creating your blog.


Ok, so you have decided on your blog topic (or maybe not but you will soon…right?)

You don't have to know anything about web design or web programming to start. The great thing about blogging and potentially earning money with whilst having fun sounds like a wonderful way to pass the time. And who knows where this may lead.

There are many blogging tools out there. Some free, some not. We will be using a tool called Blogger.

Why Blogger? Well there are a few reasons:

1) It's Free!
2) Its a breeze to setup and
3) Google owns it.

Step 1.) Go to Blogger and sign in with your Google account. If you don't use any Google services like Gmail you can create a new account first.

2.) Click on the “Create Your Blog Now” button arrow on the bottom right and complete the requested information.

3.) Give your blog a name and an address. Make sure the name is meaningful but not too long.

4.) Choose one of the many the many templates available.

5.) Your blog has been created and you are ready to go.

Now wasn't that fun and relatively painless? In a matter of minutes you have created your own little cyberspace

I suggest doing some exploring on your own at this point to familiarize yourself with all the tools and options available.